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This website has turned out to be a life review, glimpses of imagery, poetry and music that have emerged over the years. These creative expressions reflect my search for meaning and are how I commune with myself as I walk the path to God.

By sharing it’s my hope that what you see, read or hear may resonate and bring you even greater inspiration, understanding and joy on your own journey.

In my early thirties I was fortunate to meet my Guru and have been following the teachings and practices of my beautiful spiritual path for almost fifty years. When my eightieth birthday was approaching, at the request of my husband, I wrote more about my life and this journey on my blog here. (This was written for friends and family and is about a half hour read).

Also, a dear friend and I enjoy having inspiring words and images in our homes, so we opened an Etsy store with some of the imagery on various products. Here's the link...

I will continue posting new work on this website as well as on my blog.

  Nada and friend