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Since May of 2021, poems have been emerging daily, spontaneously arising in those moments when the presence of God is immediate and palpable.

To depict the experience visually, it is as though what is always in the background, the source of all thought and perception, shifts to the foreground, and a great peaceful silence envelops my awareness.

It feels like this:

Awareness leans into individuality and then dissolves back into a formless expanse, a silent and vast ocean of divine energy that spreads out into infinite gossamer space, reflecting a brilliant light. Not a physical light, although it is immensely bright. A light of intelligence, accompanied by the feeling that arises at a breakthrough, an “Aha!” of joy! And all is being held in an absolutely implacable detachment and complete aloneness.

Yet somehow, there is a kind of gentle sloshing back and forth from formlessness into form, from God to individuality, from moment to moment.

And I am coming to understand ~

Empty and full
Pour from the same pitcher.

Here, I've chosen some poems that are representative of these inner conversations with myself.


The Anchor

Glorious Resonance

Just Rest

My Cradle

Come to Me

Song of Newly Born Light

How I pray

Mourning Dove

Birthday Butterfly74

Decorating Eternity

One Glimpse

© 2022 Nada Clyne
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